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In 2009

Time : 2023-12-05 Hits : 1

In 2009, Shenzhen Yongchengguang Electronics Co.,Ltd. was established.

More than ten years ago, CBZhu Zhibin was engaged in technology research and development in the LED industry. He found that 90% of UVLED products in China have the problem of high product price and low service efficiency, which has become a bottleneck and dilemma for the development of the industry, but in fact, the technical difficulty is not high. Combined with the general environment at that time and the overall direction of the industry, he used his keen and forward-looking determination to make our own brands and products through his own efforts, so that the world can use our products. In the past ten years, the company has continued to carry out technology research and development and innovation, focusing on product quality and performance, continuously improving services and improving customer satisfaction. Our efforts have been recognized by the market and customers, and we have gradually become the industry leader in China. 

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